3 Tips For Storing Your Artwork

Are you a painter who has a lot of artwork that you're waiting to sell? Or are you a collector who is running out of space? For anyone with a substantial number of pieces, storage usually becomes a necessity. However, storing artwork is totally different than storing furniture, clothing, or other household items. For one thing, paintings are especially sensitive to changes in temperature or climate. Too much heat, humidity, or cold could warp the painting or damage its appearance. Also, paintings can be easily damaged during transport or handling. To preserve the quality of your pieces, take extra caution during the storage process. Here are a few tips on how to store your paintings:

Use gloves while carrying them. Placing items in storage can often be a dirty job. Your fingers can collect dust and dirt or paint from a painting could rub off onto your hands. Then, when you pick up the next painting, that dust, dirt, or grime gets transferred onto the surface. Your paintings could get damaged before you even get them into storage.

To protect your paintings, wear gloves during the storage process. Ideally, wear disposable rubber gloves. That way you can change them in between every painting that you carry into your storage space, thus reducing the risk of transferring paint smudges, dust, and grime.

Don't lay paintings against each other. You probably now how sensitive and fickle paint can be. Even dried paint can smudge and smear after coming into contact with another surface. If at all possible, try to get an art rack for your storage space. That way you can safely store paintings off the concrete floor and in such a way that they won't come in contact with each other. If that's not possible, lay a soft blanket or tarp down on the surface and put acid-free paper in between each painting. You can also cover the paintings with blankets to further prevent scratching and contact damage.

Get a climate controlled storage unit. Changes in temperature and extreme heat or cold can weaken acrylic paint and cause it to break down. Humidity can do the same thing. That's why it's so important that you get a storage unit that is climate controlled and has its own thermostat. Heated self-storage units are a great way to maintain consistency. Ideally, that unit should also have a dehumidifier. Then you can set custom settings with regard to temperature to protect your paintings. Also, don't store your paintings too close to the vents as the blast of air can also damage the paint.

For more information, contact a storage facility that has experience storing paintings. They can help you safely store all of your artwork.
